Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 page.

We are 30 wonderful children who love learning and playing with our friends everyday. We have lots of fun things to look forward to this year such as swimming, making our Holy Communion, learning French for the first time and performing in the St. Joseph's Easter Production, plus much more...

Our teachers this year are Mrs Keane, Mrs Bates, Mrs Holmes and Mrs Walsh to help us every day too! 

Now that we are in Key Stage 2 we need to remember our P.E kits on Tuesdays and our swimming kits on Fridays... as well as bringing back our home learning every week, and being responsible for learning our spellings, times tables plus reading every night at home.

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
— Mother Teresa
We went to a Football Festival at Pool C of E Primary School and had a great time.

We went to a Football Festival at Pool C of E Primary School and had a great time.

Week commencing 8/5/2017

This week, in Maths we have been recapping all of our fractions knowledge we have built up over the past four weeks. We have done some excellent revision on fractions of amounts, equivalence, adding and subtracting as well as ordering. We have even used lots of PE equipment to make our recapping more fun and active!

In English, we carried on from our Roald Dahl biography plans we made last week to writing the real thing! At first, we realised putting our facts together into sentences and paragraphs still made our writing quite boring. So we went back and edited our work including fabulous adjectives, excellent adverbials and conjunctions to make our sentences more interesting.

Most importantly of all, many members of Year 3 will be making their First Holy Communion on Saturday 13th May at 10am at our Parish church. Please have all the children in your thoughts on this very special day!

This is Daniel's work showing his amazing editing! He won our 'writer of the week' award in assembly.

This is Daniel's work showing his amazing editing! He won our 'writer of the week' award in assembly.

Autumn Term 2016

We have had a great start to the year and have enjoyed playing on the new playground equipment:

Hanging out on the new playground equipment!

Hanging out on the new playground equipment!

In R.E we have been learning about the Christian Family. We performed some role plays about how to solve squabbles that sometimes happen in families! We put ourselves in the shoes of our parents and carers and realised how difficult it can be for them to keep the peace. See if you can guess who is playing the parts of the despairing adults and quarrelling children! Click on each photo to scroll through the slide show...


Also, in R.E we have been learning about what happens during the Sacrament of Baptism:


The priest welcomes everyone and blesses the baby in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

The priest welcomes everyone and blesses the baby in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

The priest blesses the baby and annoints them with special oil called chrism oil (here played by hand wash!)

The priest blesses the baby and annoints them with special oil called chrism oil (here played by hand wash!)

The baby is baptised with holy water as it is poured over their head three times, at the baptismal font (Year 3 sink!)

The baby is baptised with holy water as it is poured over their head three times, at the baptismal font (Year 3 sink!)

The baby is wrapped in a white garment. The parents are given a baptismal candle for the baby. Everybody prays together and says the 'Our Father.'

The baby is wrapped in a white garment. The parents are given a baptismal candle for the baby. Everybody prays together and says the 'Our Father.'

We have been lucky enough to have a visit from the RSPB to give us a nature workshop about 'Giving Nature a Home' and mapping habitats in our school environment. We found lots of wildlife as we walked around the school grounds and were surprised and how much life there was right under our noses! We have been inspired to look more closely when we are outdoors and to try to protect the habitats of plants and animals too. Here we are mapping out the habitats:


Listening to an introduction about wildlife and its habitats.

Listening to an introduction about wildlife and its habitats.

We found this 'little' chap outside our classroom eating a crane fly!

We found this 'little' chap outside our classroom eating a crane fly!

We also saw lots of ladybirds in the bushes eating greenfly.

We also saw lots of ladybirds in the bushes eating greenfly.

And lots of woodlice living in the bug hotel where it is lovely and damp.

And lots of woodlice living in the bug hotel where it is lovely and damp.

We had a topic day to finish off our Geography topic: "Around Europe." We dressed up as different countries from Europe. Here are the Spanish group!

We had a topic day to finish off our Geography topic: "Around Europe." We dressed up as different countries from Europe. Here are the Spanish group!















We have enjoyed a fun-filled topic week this half term based on "Fantastic Films." Our focus film for the week was 'Monster's Inc.' We did lots of great activities including painting our own monsters and writing monster poems. We all dressed up as our favourite film characters to kick off the week too. Can you guess which films our characters came from?

Here we all are in costume:

We have had a snow day this term too. We had a quick play with the snow and even threw snowballs at poor Mrs Keane and Mrs Walsh!

We have had a snow day this term too. We had a quick play with the snow and even threw snowballs at poor Mrs Keane and Mrs Walsh!

Some of us made BIG snowballs!

Some of us made BIG snowballs!

Some of the girls in the snow.

Some of the girls in the snow.

Poor Mrs Walsh mid-ambush!

Poor Mrs Walsh mid-ambush!

There wasn't much snow left once Year 3 had finished!

There wasn't much snow left once Year 3 had finished!

In the warmth of the indoors we have been reading and performing the poems of Roger McGough as part of our English study. Here we are playing 'word tennis' with some ideas about Winter and Spring, after discussing the poem, "The Fight of the Year."

We ended 2016 on a high with a wonderful performance of the French Nativity! All the children said their words in French clearly and with perfect pronunciation. They also sang some beautiful French songs and taught them to the rest of the school and their parents too.  Well done Year 3!


The cast of the 2016 French Nativity: Year 3

The cast of the 2016 French Nativity: Year 3

Spring term 2017

We have settled into 2017 with lots of hard work and our learning caps on! We are also having a lot of fun especially since beginning our ukulele lessons every Monday with Mrs Shakespeare. We are so lucky to get an hour every week to learn a musical instrument. We have already learned a lot of chords and songs with our favourite currently being the Australian song, "the Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree."


Here is a link to the song if you want to sing along at home:




Year 3 mastering the ukulele!

Year 3 mastering the ukulele!

Concentrating hard on the rhythm.

Concentrating hard on the rhythm.

Year 3 are enjoying tennis training each week. We are improving our strokes and having lots of fun games.

Year 3 are enjoying tennis training each week. We are improving our strokes and having lots of fun games.

Year 3 all looked fabulous dressed up as their favourite character for World Book Day. How many Where's Wally can you spot?

Year 3 all looked fabulous dressed up as their favourite character for World Book Day. How many Where's Wally can you spot?