
Welcome to Reception's Class Page 2018-19

Welcome to our class page. In Reception, you will find 19 fantastic children that are  ready to learn.  Miss Kendall is our class teacher and is very well supported by Mrs Hart and Mrs Walsh. We also have two class bears called Louis and Dudley. Dudley enjoys going home with the children! Please check the page regularly to follow the exciting learning journey of our class.

Class Key Information

Reading books are changed every Monday, Wednesday and an online book will be allocated on Friday. Please ensure you sign your child's reading record so we know they are ready for the next book.

Sound books are to be brought into school on Thursday and will be given back to the children on Friday with the weeks new sounds.

PE is every Wednesday. Please ensure your child’s kit is in school and all items of clothing are labelled.

Our topic for Autumn 2 is ‘ Celebrations and Festivals’.

This term the children are learning phase 2 ‘Tricky Words’. These are words that the children cannot yet decode and need to learn to recognise from sight. They really love singing this song to help them….

Tricky Word Song

To help the children learn how to recognise and form numbers we use number formation rhymes that can be found below….

Number Formation Rhymes

What an exciting start to the new term as we returned back to school on the 5th November with our first celebration of Bonfire Night. The children all enjoyed a special Bonfire Night themed lunch. In the afternoon we then made our own rocket fireworks using 2D shapes. We talked about the properties of each 2D shape including sides and corners. See if you can find any 2D shapes around the house with your child.

Magic Week

On Monday morning we enjoyed Dazzling Daren’s magic show. Afterwards, he came down to the reception classroom and taught us some tricks! It was such fun! The children listened to the story of ‘Ali and the magic carpet’. They thought carefully about where they would like to go a magic carpet ride. William said “I would like to go to the beach.” Max said “ I would like to go to the moon.”

Week 6

This week we our reading the story of ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’ by Vivian French. We wrote a shopping list of all the things we would need. Here we are making our fruit salad.

Many thanks to all those that have sent in the first Tapestry homework. Please keep sending them in as the children really enjoyed looking at each others learning.

On Tuesday morning reception went on a lovely autumn walk.  The weather was perfect. Having been quite cold and foggy early in the morning, the sun then came out for us. We walked down to the conker park. We found lots of autumn treasures. Each pair of children had a checklist of things to find. ​ We found leaves, conkers, berries, sticks and chestnuts! The children loved walking in the crunchy leaves. We even picked some up and threw them in the air.  How exciting!

Week 5

This week we have enjoyed learning about Yorkshire as part of whole school focus on ‘Heritage’. We talked about the county that we live in and where our relatives live. We then made some food from Yorkshire.

Here we are making Fat Rascals. Millie said “They are yummy from Yorkshire!”

Week 4

This week we have continued our learning of phase 2 phonics. We have learnt more sounds and we have started learning how to blend them together.

We also enjoyed learning about Five senses. To help us investigate our senses we went outside on an Autumn walk. We talked about what we could smell, hear, touch and see. We then went inside to have a snack and talked about our sense of taste.

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about the numbers 1 and 2. We talked about how we count the correct amount, which two number make the number 2 and one more and one less than 2. We introduced Cbeebies ‘Numberblocks’ to the children. This is an excellent way to help the children to learn to recognise the numbers. Follow the link below to see a short clip on each number and songs:

Week 3

This week we have started learning our first sounds including s,a,t and p. We enjoyed practicing writing the letters in lots of different media such as paint, glitter and foam. On Friday the children will bring home their sound books. Please practice these with your child and ask them to teach you the Jolly Phonics actions.

We thoroughly enjoyed our cakes as part of Macmillan Coffee Morning. We got to sit with our buddies whilst we had our cake. Henry said “ the cakes were yummy!”.

Week 2

The children were eager to get to get going in their second week at St Joseph’s. Here are some pictures of the children getting to know the classroom and trying out the different areas. There are also some pictures of Dough Disco. This is a fine motor activity that helps to prepare our little fingers for writing.

Week 1

Wow what a wonderful start the children have made to life at St Joseph’s! They have all settled in really well and are really enjoying getting to know one another. This week we have enjoyed exploring the areas of the classroom. We have also learnt about the classroom rules and how we are rewarded for trying out best!

On Wednesday, Mrs Shakespear came to teach us our first music lesson. We loved exploring the different sounds the instruments make.

On Friday afternoon the children met their buddies for the first time! They all had lots of fun playing and getting to know each other. Reception really enjoyed showing the Year 6 children around their new classroom and Year 6 didn’t want to leave! Each child took home a picture with their buddies. We hope they enjoyed telling you all about it!


Useful websites

Phonics Play