Year 1 Class

Welcome to Year 1, 2016–2017


Our first week in year 1.

Computing in year one

In year one, we have been using bee bots in to make simple algorithms, that means

a set of simple instructions.

Summer 1

We have had a lovely start to the Summer Term and started off our Polar Regions topic with instructions on building a base camp for the polar explorer Ernest Shakleton. The children enjoyed writing instructions for these dens and came up with some incredible ideas. 

When we returned from the Easter holidays we were blessed with the presence of some very cute caterpillars, which soon became huge furry caterpillars and eventually  beautiful butterflies. We have released our butterfly off into the sky now so it can go make some friends!

As well as our little butterfly friends, we have been lucky to be in the next classroom to some noisy yet gorgeous chickens. We have spent many weeks researching chickens and finding out information for our fabulous chicken fact books (which will be making their way home very soon). A real surprise came when we had a visit from a fully grown chicken, kindly brought in by one of the parents in our class. The children got to learn many more facts about chickens and gained further insight into the life cycle of a chicken.



In Maths we have been working very hard. We began the term with a focus on place value. The children really enjoyed the practical activities done in class and really did build on their friendships and teamwork skills working together to answer problems. We have also been working on the four operations. The children have been involved in many practical activities to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers. The children have also looked at the four operations in terms of problem solving and reasoning, something which the children are now really getting to grips with.

In PE we have had lots of fun learning news skills, the children have been learning how to throw, the correct and safe way to jump, new bouncing skills, all through fun games and music.

The half term is nearly over and we have had lots of fun. As I am sure you are aware, the children will soon be completing their year 1 phonics test. Any practice at home would be beneficial for the children, revising sounds the children have already learned. There are some useful websites which are interactive which could be used to practice:

Phonics Play - This website is great for games where children can practice sounds and sort trash from treasure words.

Year 1 Screening Check Information   - The gives a short explanation on what the year 1 phonics check is all about and how it is conducted. This may help with supporting the children at home in preparation for this check.

Phoneme Song - The children are very familiar with these songs and have been singing them in school. This is helpful for the children to practice their individual sounds.