Welcome to Reception's Class Page

In Reception we follow the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, learning through purposeful play. We have lots of lovely resources in our classroom and outdoor area so we are always busy playing and learning together.

In Reception our teachers are Miss Kendall and Mrs Hart.

Key Information for parents

  • Reading book are changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure you have signed your child's reading record to enable us change their book.
  • PE- This takes place every Wednesday- Please make sure PE kits are in school on this day.

Summer 2

This term our topic is all about the seaside.

Sports Day

We all had a fantastic day on sports day and we were all brilliant athletes. Everyone took part in races such as the egg and spoon, skipping, obstacle and running race.


Visit to church- July 

As part of our RE topic, 'The Church', we all enjoyed looking around the Our Lady's and all saints church. We spent time praying before looking at the different parts of the church. Reception are currently very busy preparing for their own mass later in July.

The General Election

On the day of the General Election we held our own St Joseph's Election. Year 6 made up the different parties and everyone attended an assembly to listen to their manifestos. We then all had a chance to vote. The 'Present Party' were the winners!


Seaside School Trip- June

On Friday 9th June the whole school enjoyed a trip to Scarborough. We all had great fun making sandcastles, playing games on the beach and even paddling in the sea! It was a wonderful day!


Summer 1

Our topic this term is growing. We have enjoyed learning all about life cycles. We are looking forward to our class assembly on Friday 26th May.

Chick chick chick chicken!!!

Reception were very excited when 12 very cute fluffy chicks arrived last week.  We put the eggs into the incubator and waited 21 days for them to hatch.

Last week Mrs Gallagher Thompson came in to show us her Hen called Cluck Cluck. The children enjoyed asking lots of questions about Cluck Cluck and it allowed them to see what our baby chicks will look like when they are fully grown.

We also enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We watched as the five baby caterpillars went into their cocoons and came out as beautiful butterflies. Last Friday we all went outside and let them go. It was magical to watch them fly away!

Letting the butterflies go

Letting the butterflies go

Our beautiful butterfly

Our beautiful butterfly

We also enjoyed reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We then planted our own bean plants and wrote instructions for Year 1. We water them every day and they are now starting to grow.

In Maths this term we have been continuing our learning about numbers to 20 and beyond and finding one more and one less. We have learnt about number bonds to 10. Here are some little rhymes we have used to help us remember them. We have also included a link to some number formation rhymes..

Number bonds to 10

Number formation cards


Please find below some useful links to help you and your child with phonics.

Phonics Play

Geraldine the giraffe and Mr Throne does phonics has some good videos to help the children learn the skills of blending and segmenting the sounds.

Jolly Phonics Phase 2

Jolly Phonics Phase 3


Autumn 2

This term our topic in Reception is Wonderful Winter.  We have continued our Julia Donaldon theme by reading the story of Stick Man and have enjoyed exploring rhyme. 

Last week we enjoyed a trip to Otley Courthouse to watch a scientific performance of Jack and the Beanstalk. As the story unfolded we saw a variety of different experiments.

Topic week

As part of our 'Fantastic Film' week, Reception enjoyed watching different films by Julia Donaldson including the Gruffalo, The Gruffalo's Child and Room on the Broom. We had great fun making and writing our own potions.

Reception 2016-2017

Reception have made an excellent start to life at St Joseph's and have all settled in nicely. We have all been busy getting to know each other and our topic of 'All about me' has helped us to do this. Here are some the wonderful things we have been doing so far......


Reception have been doing many things with their Year 6 Buddies from the Year 6 s helping them to read books to building things out of clay. The Receptions are definitely loving the time they spend with their Buddies - Zackery, Niamh , Pippa andIsla.