Celebrating the Jubilee Year of Mercy

The year lasts from 8 December 2015 – 20 November 2016


“The Holy Father wants us to experience and know, in a very personal way, God our Father’s desire to be close to us in every moment of our life. For the mercy of God is expressed in the Father’s will to constantly embrace us, his children.”
— Bishop Marcus

Diocesan Prayer for the Year of Mercy

O God, Father most merciful,
you created the world in wisdom and in love,
and you walk with your children on the journey of life,
pardoning and welcoming them always.

Your Beloved Son, the visible face of your mercy,
is present in our midst, and loves us with a heart full of merciful love,
and teaches us to be merciful and to love one another.

Grant to us your children, as we celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy,
an outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Consoler,
that our hearts may be open to our brothers and sisters
who hunger and thirst for mercy,
and the Good News of your merciful love which endures forever,
may be always and everywhere proclaimed.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.