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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Provision

At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we provide an inclusive environment in which children with SEND are educated alongside their peers and can participate fully in the educational experience. We actively identify any barriers to learning at the earliest opportunity to achieve the best possible outcomes for children. We are committed to high achievement for all, supporting children and their families through SEND provision and personalised learning. Our provision and intervention meets each child’s individual educational and well-being needs, enabling them to access a broad and balanced curriculum.

We are a Mindmate Friendly school and we aim to support every child’s emotional, social and mental health needs so they are happy to love, laugh and learn together. The school makes use of a number of outside agencies including Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Leeds Learning and Inclusion Team, STARS Autism Support Team, Occupational Therapists and School Nurses. Our Catholic Care worker provides therapeutic intervention alongside out nurture provision.

To meet physical needs, we have ramps around school which give access to almost all parts of the school. In addition, we have a dedicated hygiene/toilet room for use by pupils and adults with mobility difficulties.

For more information, please speak to Mr L. Gilhooly (Headteacher) or Miss T. Earley (SENDCo)


Please contact Miss T Earley, the SENDCo via: SEN@stjosephsotley.org 

Pupils with SEND are included in everything the school has to offer. Carefully planned adaptations ensure that they are able to learn the same curriculum as their peers. The school makes sure that pupils with SEND take part in all enrichment activities. OFSTED

Leeds Authority SEND Local Offer

SEN and Inclusion Policy

SEND Local Offer Report

SEND Governor Annual Report 2022 - 2023

SEND Information Report 


Useful Documents and Websites


STARS Information

Details of this service can be found on the STARs website www.startsteasm.org including training, workshops, & resources. Our website is populated with information and resources that you might find useful.

Information and resources can also be found on the Leeds for Learning STARS Offer page and on the STARS website ‘Our Services’ and ‘referrals’ tabs.  In addition, STARS bite-sized eLearning videos for parents and carers are available, links via the STARS website, with new videos added to the collection regularly.



You will be able to find current and up to date information including information about:

• Parents connect training (currently being offered online)

• before and after diagnosis

• emotional support for parents and carers

• Education, Health and Care Plans