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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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The Friends of St Joseph's is a body of parents and carers of children who attend school.

The newly elected committee is made up of:


The Friends meet half termly and organise both social events and fundraising events for parents and the children.  

Last year, we raised over £2500 for brand new headphones, coaches for Aladdin Theatre trip, Y6 leaving party and Y4/Y5 First Holy Communion Party.

This year, our main project is to raise funds for new playground markings on the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds.

Email Contact: fosj@stjosephsotley.org 

Upcoming Events:


So far this year


Thank you so much for supporting the first FOSJ Doughnut Sale. It was fantastic seeing lots of happy children.  We were thrilled at the response and had many comments about the new logo and branding.  The new card machines were a great success and we hope you agree are a useful addition.
We are thrilled to announce the total profit across the two days was £220.06!


Thank you so much for your wonderful coloured donations from Rainbow Day. We took your donations and made 14 wonderful Rainbow Hampers. Each Hamper is different with items including alcohol, sweets, cooking ingredients, beauty products, chocolate, nibbles and more! Raffle tickets (5 strips) have been sent out in book bags this week. Each strip is £1 and we ask if you could write your child’s name on every ticket in the strip. Please place the correct money into the envelope and send back into school. If you would not like to purchase raffle tickets, please still return the envelopes and contents in book bags as it will be reused for future events!

The Rainbow Raffle draw will be in assembly on Friday 7th October.

We are pleased to say that the 14th Hamper will be donated to Otley Action for Older People to look out for those in need in our local community. Thank you SO much for your support and donations.