Mission, Vision & Ethos
Mission Statement:
What is a Mission Statement? A mission statement is a clear and concise statement which provides a common focus and direction for the school and underpins all the school does and how it does it.
Why have a Mission Statement? A mission statement will give everyone involved with our school a shared understanding of what our school stands for, which will provide us all with a common goal.
At school everyone has been thinking about what our school is about and what we would like our school to be.
As a family with God in our hearts, we love, laugh and learn.
St Joseph is our patron saint and he inspires and guides us in our school mission:
Each one of us is part of God’s family and we are all special.
As God’s children and family we love one another, pray together, play together and walk hand in hand with God.
God is our teacher and we are his gifts. He helps us learn together, work hard and do our best to make our world a better place.
With fun, laughter and friendship we celebrate God’s love.
We respect and care for everyone and for God’s wonderful world.
In order to achieve our vision at St. Joseph's, we implement the following statements:
- Through outstanding Catholic education, we uphold a love of God and a dedication to Christian values
- We welcome everyone into our school family
- We provide nurturing care to all and our virtues promote respectful and compassionate treatment of others
- We foster close links to engage with our Parish and wider community, drawing us closer to God
- We strive to be a beacon of light in the community by our example and through serving others
- We ensure our children feel happy, safe and loved so they are able to achieve their best
- We build superb attitudes to learning so that children can fully access and benefit from the opportunities we provide
- We foster independent, confident learners, who are self-motivated to realise their potential and are resilient to overcome challenges
- We want our children to have a life-long love of learning and realise the joy that this can bring
- Children’s unique gifts and talents are recognised and we celebrate their successes and creativity
- Through the exposure to British Values and social understanding - such as inclusivity and equality - our children are fully prepared to live in a diverse society
- Children recognise their responsibilities and behaviour is outstanding
- Staff are outstanding role models of Catholic values
- We offer support systems that put safeguarding, mental health and well-being at the forefront
- Staff are dedicated to their vocation, always striving to do better and adapting our practice to facilitate the best outcomes for all
- Teaching staff are equipped with the confidence and knowledge to support a balanced curriculum of creative, stimulating and purposeful learning experiences
- Staff encourage curious and enquiring minds so learners can apply their skills to the demands of the ever changing world
- Leaders and governors work hard to safeguard the welfare of the children and staff
- Leaders and governors regularly engage with and challenge staff to monitor, review and reflect on practice in order to ensure high standards
- Leaders are highly motivated and driven with high expectations of all
- Leaders are supportive and this inspires all stakeholders to do their best for the children
- Leaders work collaboratively to share best practice across our Trust family of schools
- Our families are supported and know they can approach the school when in need
- They participate widely in school life and provide open routes of communication
- We work together with parents and carers, as the children’s first educators, to reinforce high standards to secure the best outcomes