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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Healthy School Meals

School Meals and Menus

Special Menu

If your child is normally on packed lunches but would like to try our special ‘Madhatters Tea Party’ menu, please email office@stjosephsotley.org by Friday 10th May 2024.

School Dinner Menu - Spring 2025

Polite reminder that due to allergies, St Joseph’s is a nut free school, including peanut butter. Unfortunately, if your child is found with a nuts, the product will have to be confiscated.

We use ParentPay and have advised all parents and carers of their individual child login details for school meal payments.  If you do not have a login for your child, please contact the Office.

Reception Class and KS1 pupils are all entitled to a Universal Free School Meal.

Y3 – Y6 pupils can have a school meal for £2.50 per day.

(please note, two weeks notice is required to change from packed lunches to school meals and vice-versa).

Healthy Packed Lunch Box Builder

Additional Information:

Children are welcome to bring in a piece of fruit for afternoon breaks. Pupils are not allowed to bring sweets into school.

The school is part of the Government fruit scheme. This provides every child in Key Stage One and Reception with a free piece of fruit or vegetable each day.

Children are encouraged to bring full bottles of water to school each day. These can be refilled with chilled water when necessary at school.