Pupil Absence
The Three Categories for Pupil Absence
There are three categories for pupil absence:
- Sickness Reporting
- Medical Appointments
- Leave of Absence
Sickness Reporting
If your child is unwell, please telephone school on first day of absence. The school will attempt to contact parents/carers if no call has been received by 09.15 to explain an absence. If your child is absent for more than one day, the office need to be contacted on every day that your child is off school.
Medical Appointments
Please ensure that the medical appointment details are shown to the School Office, so that school is aware when the child will be absent.
Emergency medical appointments: contact school by phone, text or email and please bring evidence of the appointment on the pupil’s return to school.
These requirements are in line with our safeguarding procedures.
Exceptional Circumstances Request Form
Exceptional Circumstances Request Form and Statutory Declaration (PDF)
The exceptional circumstances request form must be completed for any absence other than sickness. Please note that this form must be received by school at least 10 school days before the absence.
For example:
- Music examinations
The Education Regulations 2006 amendment makes it clear that headteachers may only grant Leave of Absence in exceptional circumstances. Family holidays taken during term time are recorded as unauthorised.
Important Changes to Unauthorised Absence Penalties
new attendance legislation letter 2024.pdf