Academy Council
Our Governors
The Academy Council have a general responsibility for the management of the school but do not take decisions about its day to day running. This responsibility lies with the Headteacher.
The Bishop of Leeds has the right to appoint Foundation Governors onto the Academy Council. Parents, including carers, of registered pupils at the school are eligible to stand for election for Parent Governorship at the school. Staff Governors are elected by the school staff and must be paid to work at the school.
The Academy Council has specific responsibilities in a number of areas including:
Catholic ethos of the school;
Curriculum and conduct of the school;
Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN);
Overseeing the school budget;
Appointments, discipline and attendance of pupils;
Community and parish use of the school.
SCHEME OF DELEGATIONAcademy Council Register of Interests
Trust Annual Reports and Accounts
Members of the academy council make a point of getting to know pupils, parents and staff. They are a visible part of the school community. OFSTED
staffroom academy council poster 2024 25.pdf
Mr Tom Banks (Chair of Governors)
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Otley
Manor Square
LS21 3AP